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Update on Around Langley

I regret to say, as mentioned last month, that this issue is the last Around Langley in its current style—that is, as a monthly magazine produced ten times a year. Since we have not been able as yet to identify anyone to edit and produce it, we have to reconsider how we proceed.

The church leaders have not yet decided on a way of communicating with Langley residents, but the exploration is continuing. In the meanwhile, some of us were concerned that this should not be an abrupt total break and we are hoping to continue the magazine in some form in the future.

The current thoughts are that we should aim for a bimonthly magazine, with shared responsibilities for editing, and see how we manage. Tony Randall and I will start off sharing the job of editor between us and hope that the bimonthly magazines will start appearing in June.

We hope that our advertisers will continue to support us, as also our kind readers, who have made generous donations to Around Langley in the past. In the meanwhile, we would very much value your contributions and views.

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