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Remember, remember - in November...

We remember Armistice Day and the gunpowder plot every November – albeit in different ways! Many of us probably remember President Kennedy being shot on the 22nd of November 1963 and the wedding of Princess Elizabeth to the Duke of Edinburgh in 1947. But do you remember other events such as those below?

1st Nov 1858: Following the bloody events of the Indian Mutiny under the East India Company,,Queen Victoria was proclaimed ruler of India.

On 2nd November 1936 the world’s first regular TV service was started by the BBC, with 100 TV owners tuning in. The BBC celebrated its 100th birthday in October, you might recall.

It was in November 1641 that England’s first newspaper was published.

1843 saw the 5.5m statue of Lord Nelson being hauled to the top of the 60m column in Trafalgar Square.

On 7th November 1917 the Bolshevik Red Guards seized control of the Winter Palace and Lenin became leader of Russia.

19 November 1620 was the date Mayflower arrived at Cape Cod, America, with 87 members of a Protestant sect – The Pilgrim Fathers.

On 26th November this year we see the 100th anniversary of Archaeologist Howard Carter gazing into the tomb of Tutankhamun making a hole in the door.

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