Summer is the season to enjoy the rewards of your hard work in the garden! The summer garden with lush green grass and foliage, the vibrant colours of the flowers and the delicate scents on a balmy evening, as well as birdsong and the buzzing of bees and chirping of insects holds a treat for all the senses. Early vegetables and soft fruit bring a treat for the taste buds also!
However, the weeds also enjoy the growing season, so the gardener needs to be on the lookout for them – ‘one year’s seeding, seven years’ weeding’ as the saying goes! Deadheading flowers and picking vegetables, rather than letting them go to seed, will extend the productive season as also feeding the plants regularly.
A certain amount of trimming is necessary at this time to keep bushes and perennials in shape. It is also the best time for rooting cuttings of plants: lavenders, hydrangeas and some wisterias are known to be easy to grow that way.
It is not only the cultivated gardens that are interesting at this time: meadows and hedges are colourful with flowers as well. A corner of the garden given over to wild flowers will attract bees and butterflies and other insects. It can look pretty also – think of a patch of red poppies, white ox-eye daisies and blue cornflowers and flax!