Thus begins one of my favourite hymns at Pentecost, or Whitsun as it used to be generally known as. While I was waiting for ‘inspiration’ for this editorial, this line came into my mind. ‘And lighten with celestial fire’ the verse continues. The thought about the universal effect of light, illuminating everything and everyone around it, I found inspiring. An irreverent thought about the start of barbecue fires also floated into mind— association of ideas!
Actually, readers who might have heard about ‘Stir up Sunday’ would remember that there is a similar association of the sacred and secular there also. This relates to a prayer set for Sunday just before Advent: ‘Stir up, we beseech thee, O lord, the wills of thy people; so that they may plenteously bring forth the fruit of good works...’ It was commonly thought to be also a reminder to produce fruit cakes and Christmas puddings in time for Christmas! Sadly, ‘Stir up Sunday’ will probably join the host of moribund words now, as church-going declines as also making one’s own puddings and cakes for Christmas!
In the meanwhile the war in Ukraine continues with no sign of victory for either side, and President Zelensky rightly asserting that peace cannot mean Russians continuing to occupy any Ukrainian territory. The terrible consequences to the whole world of Ukrainian produce, especially wheat and sunflower oil, being blockaded are slowly unfolding. In the meanwhile, it is easy to forget other areas of conflict where proxy wars are fought by large powers—like Yemen, where 2.2 million children are acutely malnourished and Afghanistan, where women and girls are totally subjugated by the regime. We can but continue to pray for ‘wisdom to all in authority’ and ‘a right judgement’ in all things’.
So on to the Queen’s Platinum Jubilee. Sad to say, I have had hardly any response to the invitation to share stories of Her Majesty’s coronation and other events with our readers. Maybe you will tell us how your celebrations of the Jubilee went!