Bill Birmingham, who resigned as editor of Around Langley last month, firmly
established it as a magazine that has grown in interest within the Langley
community. In his valedictory editorial he explained the reason why the magazine
was set up by the churches in Langley, for all residents of Langley. Under his
leadership it has fulfilled that vision and has come to be regarded as a reliable
source of information for many residents, of all faiths and none. Readers of
Around Langley will not be surprised to learn that Bill is a man of many talents
and it is only fitting that this edition should pay a tribute to him by way of an
interview with him.
Our editorial policy is to focus on items of interest within Langley but we
recognise that certain crucial services vital for us are provided outside Langley and
developments there should rightly be covered in the magazine. Our hospitals are a
good example of this. In this issue we highlight the imminent loss of The Centre in
Farnham Road, currently the only suitable public venue for orchestral concerts, in
Christians will be celebrating Ascension Day later in the month and there is an
article about the significance of Ascension later in the magazine. Although very
important theologically for Christians, because it falls on a weekday and it is not a
public holiday, it tends to be a rather neglected festival.
I pick up the editorship rather daunted by the breadth of knowledge and the
passion for community issues that Bill was able to bring to the magazine. The
editorial team will continue as before, and the aim of the magazine, to be of
service to the people of Langley on behalf of the churches in Langley, remains the
same. We hope to be able to publish news of eve
nts that are happening in various
parts of Langley, especially those organised for or on behalf of the whole
community. In order that Around Langley continues to be a magazine for all the
people of Langley we would request you let us know if anything of general interest
is happening in your area: this could be a concern, a celebration or a new
The editorial team of Around Langley wish you all a happy Easter break.
Anna Thomas-Betts