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About St John’s Gospel

No annunciation or visitation of Mary to Elizabeth, no manger, no angels, no shepherds or wise men... they are all absent from John’s...

A Sermon for Ascension—2022

This year the Feast of Ascension coincided with the beginning of the long weekend celebrating Her Majesty’s 70 years on the throne. The...

Do you know...The Serenity Prayer?

Yes, most people would reply: “God, grant me grace to accept with serenity, the things that cannot be changed; courage to change the...

Sheep, Shepherd and the Lamb

Last month we explored the theme of sacrifice in Christianity and noted that there was a paradox, of Jesus being the sacrifice as well as...


Sacrifice is a word that we use lightly these days: try counting up how many times it occurs in our regular worship, or on the news and...

Putin and his Church

A most remarkable feature of the Russian Invasion of Ukraine has been the conduct of Kirill, Patriarch of the Russian Orthodox Church,...


The British Broadcasting Corporation turns 100 years old this year. Also known as the Beeb and Auntie, she has indeed become a grand old...

The Creeds (7)... the Life to Come

In the earlier parts of the Creeds, we profess our belief in God, the Father and Creator, his only begotten Son, our Saviour Jesus...

COP26—what did it achieve?

The fortnight of COP26 in Glasgow, when the nations gathered to consider Climate Change, turned into 15 days in the end, with...

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